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About Greeff Properties

Greeff Properties is a niche market Real Estate Agency operating in the Southern Suburbs, False Bay and City Bowl of Cape Town, South Africa. Mike Greeff started this agency from his dining room table in 2001, but he was no stranger to real estate, having already accumulated more than a decade in the industry. Thanks to Mike’s previous successes and his dedicated approach, he soon began to attract a number of top estate agents and Greeff Properties began to grow.

The first head office was located in the historic Alphen Estate. As the company continued to expand, Greeff moved his head office to Greeff House, 262 Main Rd, Kenilworth, the heart of the Southern Suburbs, from where the estate agency is perfectly placed to keep a finger on the pulse of property in these sought after areas.

Today the staff compliment is 76 which include highly trained agents and admin staff.


Greeff House 262 Main Rd Kenilworth Cape Town


[email protected]